

Book Of Mazes 1.0.1 update

Update 1.0.1 is now available for The Book Of Mazes and brings a few minor tweaks and fixes that should resolve a couple of pesky bugs! Thanks for playing! If you like it, please share my app with your friends, family, pets and colleagues! ? – Wil

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Introducing: The Book Of Mazes

Introducing: The Book Of Mazes. A first person “walker” style game in which you must successfully navigate mazes of increasing size and complexity. The Book Of Mazes is the first game to be released by Lone Scrapbot (Wil Myers), an independent, solo digital creator. The Book Of Mazes is available […]

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Getting ready – website updated

I got motivated and updated my website a bit over the last few days in preparation for the release of my FIRST MOBILE GAME: The Book Of Mazes.   I really don’t like web design and to be honest I’m not that great at it. These things aside, I’m fairly […]

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Hello, sorry for any inconvenience, but Staticfarm is currently undergoing redevelopment. We’ll be (I’ll be) right back! If you were looking for previous blog posts or the Dynamix 3000 pages, they have moved to

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